Error: “Let’s Try Something Else” Appears When Installing a Native UAD Plug-in

When attempting to install a product from UA Connect, the following error message appears:


Click the operating system you are using to access the appropriate steps:



  1. First, ensure the UA Connect Helper Tool is running by manually enabling it, as described in these steps.
    If this does not solve the issue, proceed to the steps below.

  2. Perform a complete uninstall of UA Connect and its standard preference files by following these steps.

  3. Remove all of the remaining Universal Audio files from these locations, if any:
    • Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio
    • Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST3

  4. Reinstall UA Connect, and try again.


  1. Perform a complete uninstall of UA Connect and its standard preference files.
    If you are using Windows 10, follow these steps.
    If you are using Windows 11, follow these steps.

  2. Remove all of the UA files from these locations:
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

  3. Delete these folders in their entirety:
    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\Universal Audio
    • C:\Program Files\UA Connect
    • C:\Users\"Your username"\AppData\Local\Universal Audio
    • C:\Users\"Your username"\AppData\Local\@uauduiua-connect-updater
    • C:\Users\"Your username"\AppData\Roaming\Universal Audio
    • C:\Users\"Your username"\AppData\Roaming\UA Connect

  4. Reinstall UA Connect, and try again.

Advanced Troubleshooting Steps for Windows

Other things that can cause download issues include altering the <system> Path environment variable on your system or using symbolic links on any of the default file locations or the temporary file locations for the application. 

If you are using any SymLink (symbolic links) or alternate installation paths, remove them and reinstall the products in their default locations, as described in this article.

Finally, try to revert the system Path environment variable or disable the symbolic links, as explained below:

  1. Right-click the Start icon and select System.
  2. Under System > About, click the link for Advanced system settings.
  3. Under the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables…
  4. Click the System variable for Path and click Edit…
    Make sure you are editing the System variable and not the User variable.
  5. Add a new line to the Path entry which will be the following: %SystemRoot%\System32;

Note: In rare cases, third-party anti-virus, anti-malware, file blocker/cleaner or other security-related programs can also cause issues. Try temporarily removing them from your computer or disabling them, then try again.

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