Global parameters for Apollo and UAD Console are configured in the UAD Console Settings window. Each UAD Console settings page is described in a separate article.
The Hardware panel within the UAD Console Settings window
Accessing UAD Console Settings
The UAD Console Settings window can be opened using any of these methods:
- Choose View > Preferences from the Application Menus
- Click the SETTINGS switch at the bottom of the Mixer Navigation area
- Use the Command + comma (Mac) or Ctrl + comma (Win) keyboard shortcuts
- (Mac) Choose UAD Console Settings from the UA icon drop menu in the macOS Menu Bar
- (Windows) Right-click the blue UA diamond logo in the Windows System Tray (in taskbar at lower right of screen), then select UAD Console Settings from the contextual menu
UAD Console Settings Panels
Controls within the UAD Console Settings window are arranged according to related functionality. Each set of related settings are contained within a single panel. Four panels are available in the UAD Console Settings window:
Hardware – Settings related to Apollo hardware device setup
I/O Matrix – Settings related to custom driver I/O mapping
Options – Settings related to how items are displayed in UAD Console, and editing controls
MIDI – Settings for setting up MIDI control of Tap Tempo within UAD Console
Accessing Settings Panels
Each of the four UAD Console Settings panels is accessed by clicking the panel’s name at the top of the UAD Console Settings window. The panel is selected and displayed when its name is illuminated.
Panel names at the top of the UAD Console Settings window with the HARDWARE panel selected
Changing Settings
Typical disclosure triangle
Unless otherwise noted, all values within the UAD Console Settings window are changed by either choosing a different value from a drop menu, or entering a new values directly.
Drop Menus – Values with drop menus are indicated by a disclosure triangle at the lower right of the value field. To change these settings, click the item and choose a different value from its drop menu.
Direct Entry – Values with direct text or numerical entry have a lighter gray background and do not have a disclosure triangle at the lower right of the value field. To change these settings, click the field and type a new value with the keyboard, then press the Return/Enter key.
Available Settings
The parameters that are displayed in the UAD Console Settings window can vary depending on the particular Apollo hardware model(s) that are currently connected to the system.
Only settings that apply to the currently connected hardware are displayed. Any settings that are unique to a particular hardware model are noted in the descriptions.