This article will help you get started with the OX software app and OX hardware registration. First you'll download and install the OX app, then you'll register the OX hardware.
Note: To access the OX manual and affiliated documentation, click here.
Get OX Software
To get the OX app, visit the OX software download page. Click the black download button for your platform (Mac, Windows, or iPad) to download the software.
Click the black download button for Mac, Windows, or iPad
Login or Create UA Account
To download Universal Audio software for Mac or Windows, you need to be logged into your UA account. If you aren't already logged in, the UA account overlay appears when clicking a download button.
Enter your UA account address and password, then click the blue "Log In" button. If you don't have a UA account, click the blue "Create An Account" text and follow the onscreen instructions.
Log in or click create an account
OX App Installation
OX app installation instructions for Mac, Windows, and iPad are provided below.
OX App Installation – Mac
1. After downloading is complete, find the “OX-Mac-v1.1.0.dmg” file in your downloads folder, then double-click the downloaded file to open the disk image. A new disk image window that contains the app appears in the macOS Finder.
Double-click the downloaded dmg file
2. Within the new disk image window, simply drag the OX app to the Applications alias in the same window, as indicated by the arrow. The app file is copied to the Applications folder on the system drive.
Drag the OX app to the Applications folder within the window
3. When the file has finished copying, Mac installation is complete. Navigate to the Applications folder in the macOS Finder and launch the OX app, then follow the hardware registration process below.
Note: You can delete the downloaded .dmg file after installation.
OX App Installation – Windows
1. After downloading is complete, navigate to the "" file in your downloads folder, then double-click the downloaded file to extract the OX Setup program.
Double-click the downloaded zip file
2. Launch the extracted OX Setup program. The installation wizard guides you through the process.
Double-click OX Setup to install the software
3. Double-click the OX shortcut that was placed on the Desktop during installation to launch the app, then follow the hardware registration process below.
Note: You can delete the downloaded setup file after installation.
OX App Installation – iPad
1. On your iPad, visit the OX software download page and tap the black “For iPad” button to automatically open the OX app page in the iOS App Store. Alternately, open the "App Store" app on your iPad, then search “ox amp top box” in the store to find the OX app.
2. In the OX app page in the iOS App Store page, tap the "GET" button to download the app. After downloading, tap the OX icon to launch the app, then follow the hardware registration process below.
OX Hardware Registration
To enable the OX app, the OX hardware needs to be registered with Universal Audio, and the OX hardware must be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi to register. After registration is complete, the OX app can access and control all available OX settings. This section will guide you through the Wi-Fi and registration process.
Note: The OX registration process needs to be completed only once.
During registration, you’ll use the OX app to control OX’s network settings and connect OX to an external Wi-Fi network. Registration occurs automatically when the OX hardware and the OX app are both connected to the external Wi-Fi network at the same time.
Note: The existing external Wi-Fi network must be connected to the internet to complete registration.
OX Registration Procedure
Important: In the following instructions, the “OX app device” is the iPad or Mac/Windows computer that runs the OX software, not the OX app itself.
To register OX:
1. Pair the OX app device with OX’s Wi-Fi hotspot. Go to the Wi-Fi system settings within the OX app device (the iPad or Mac/Windows computer system settings, not settings within the OX app), then select OX’s Wi-Fi hotspot and enter the unique hotspot password on OX's rear panel.
OX’s hotspot name & password label on rear panel
(example only – every unit has a unique name and password)
2. Pair OX to an external Wi-Fi network. Open the OX app and press “Find My OX” to display the available Wi-Fi network names. Choose a network from the list, enter its password, then press OK. Windows 10 users: Allow access if a Windows Security Alert appears (see note and screenshot below).
Tip: Enter the external Wi-Fi network password, not OX’s hotspot password.
Screenshot showing OX connected to external Wi-Fi network
Windows 10 Note: The first time you click "Find My Ox" in the OX app, the Windows Security Alert shown below may appear. To proceed, check the box next to "Private networks, such as my home or work network" then click the "Allow access" button. The alert only appears once.
Screenshot showing correct settings in the Windows Security Alert
3. Pair the OX app device to the same external Wi-Fi network as OX. Go to the Wi-Fi system settings within the OX app device (the iPad or Mac/Windows computer system settings, not settings within the OX app), and pair the device to the same external Wi-Fi network that was selected for OX in step two.
Tip: Enter the external Wi-Fi network password, not OX’s hotspot password.
4. Open the OX app and complete registration. The OX app takes you to the OX registration web pages, and they will guide you. Press “Create an account” if you don’t already have one (or login if you do). After account creation or login, OX is registered automatically.
When you see the confirmation page, registration is complete. Return to the OX app, then press Find My OX again and you’ll have complete access to all OX controls.
Registration confirmation page in web browser