UA Connect is Universal Audio’s app that manages software installation, firmware updates, and other features for UA products. You need to install UA Connect to access these functions.
This article explains how to download and install UA Connect, and general usage that is common to all of the products. Each product also has its own specific UA Connect article that explains how to use the features and functions that are unique to that product.
Note: To learn how to use UA Connect with your specific product after installation, go here to access the available manuals.
Products that use UA Connect
UAD Plug-Ins – Use UA Connect to manage audio effects and virtual instruments you have purchased, or that are included with your UAD Spark subscription.
Apollo & UAD-2 - Use UA Connect to open the registartion page on the Universal Audio website, and to download the latest UAD-2 plug-ins installer.
Volt Interfaces – Use UA Connect to download and install drivers, redeem your bundled audio software, and access tutorials and tips.
UAFX Pedals – Use UA Connect to get your free bonus effects, speaker cabinets, effect voicings, and UAFX pedal firmware updates.
UA Microphones – Use UA Connect to manage your UA microphones.
LUNA – Use UA Connect to manage authorize, download, and install LUNA and LUNA Extensions.
UA Connect window showing multiple UA products with Volt Interfaces tab selected
Getting Started Video
The video guide below shows the process described in the steps in this article:
Note: For the Windows guide, please read the appropriate steps below, in the Installing on Windows section.
Installing and Starting UA Connect
Get UA Connect
Download the UA Connect app from:
UA Connect System Requirements
- Intel, AMD, or Apple silicon processor
- (PC) Windows 10 or 11, 64-bit editions
- (macOS) 10.15 Catalina or newer
- Internet connection for software downloads
Note: Some products require a USB-C cable or adapter (not included) to connect to your computer’s USB port.
Installing on macOS
- After you download UA Connect for macOS, double-click the DiskImage (.dmg) file and accept the License Agreement.
- When the disk image window appears, drag the UA Connect icon to the Applications folder.
Starting on macOS
UA Connect runs in the background after you launch the app, instantiate a native UAD plug-in, or start LUNA, so it can activate your audio effects and instruments when needed.
UA Connect updates itself automatically when a new version is available.
To open UA Connect for the first time:
- Open the Applications folder and double-click the UA Connect icon, or
- Open Launchpad from the macOS Dock, then click the UA Connect icon
To open UA Connect from the macOS menu bar:
- Click the UA icon in the macOS menu bar
- From the menu, choose Open UA Connect
Installing on Windows
- After you download UA Connect for Windows, double-click the UA Connect Setup.exe file and accept the License Agreement.
- If Pace License Support is not already installed, you will be prompted to install it.
Important: Pace License Support must be installed, or UA Connect installation cannot complete. - During the installation, if you are prompted to allow app access through the Windows Defender firewall, click Allow Access.
Starting on Windows
After you complete the installation, UA Connect starts automatically. UA Connect runs in the background so it can activate your audio effects and instruments when needed. If UA Connect is not already running, it starts when you instantiate a native UAD plug-in.
UA Connect updates itself automatically when a new version is available.
To open UA Connect from the Windows system tray:
- Double-click the UA Connect icon in the Windows system tray.
Log in or create your UA account
Tip: To learn more about UA accounts, visit the UA account support article.
You need to log in to UA Connect before you can access its features.
- If you already have a UA account, type your email address and password, and click Log In.
- If you don’t have a UA account yet, click Create An Account. Enter your information, then click Create Account.
Viewing Active Downloads
When one or more products are downloading in UA Connect, the Active Downloads tab becomes available. Click on Active Downloads to monitor download activity.
Filtering Products in UA Connect
Every UA Connect page (except for the Apollo & UAD-2 page) includes a Search field. Type in this field to filter products. Only products from the page you are on are displayed.
For example, to see all plug-ins with "reverb" in the name, on the Plug-Ins page, type reverb in the search bar.
Filtering the UAD Plug-Ins page
In addition to the search bar, the UAD Plug-Ins page includes a category filter and a drop-down selector for license types.
Filtering plug-ins by category
Click Filter by category, and select a category to filter UAD plug-ins by a category.
Selecting a plug-in filter category
Plug-ins filtered by category
Filtering plug-ins by license type
Select from the drop-down selector to filter plug-ins by the license type. The plug-in license categories are:
- All Plug-Ins – Shows all available plug-ins. In this view, plug-ins are labeled with Perpetual and/or UAD Spark labels to indicate the license type.
- UAD Spark Plug-Ins – Shows the plug-ins that are available as part of your UAD Spark subscription.
- My Plug-Ins – Shows the plug-ins for which you have a perpetual license.
Sending UA Connect Feedback
To submit feedback, click the triangle next to your user name to open the User menu, then click Send Feedback. A feedback window opens, and you can submit your feedback.