Troubleshooting Error -38 and Other Error Messages

Error -38 is a general communication error message. The following steps are recommended to begin troubleshooting errors of this type.

  • If you have more than one Thunderbolt Apollo, verify they are daisy-chained from a single Thunderbolt port of your computer.

    Apollos share clocking over Thunderbolt, so it is critical they are connected in this manner. It is required that every Apollo Thunderbolt device is daisy-chained from a single Thunderbolt port. Please refer to the following example diagram:

    Note: Thunderbolt Satellites must also be daisy-chained with Apollos, the position of the Satellites in the chain is not critical.

  • Error -38 and other error messages can be caused by a failing or faulty cable or adapter.
    Refer to the Apollo & Satellite Data Cable Guide for recommended cable specifications.

  • Error -38 can also be caused by bandwidth limitations when other external devices are sharing the same device chain.

    Ensure all UAD devices are connected directly into the host computer when possible.

    If you have another device on the same Thunderbolt Bus as your Apollo, such as a Thunderbolt Dock or Hub, it is recommended to move that to a different Thunderbolt Bus for troubleshooting purposes. You cannot exceed six Thunderbolt devices of any kind on a Thunderbolt Bus.

  • If you have a computer with an Intel processor, make sure you follow the recommended boot order:
    1. Turn all devices off.
    2. Power computer, and allow it to boot fully.
    3. Power the UA Thunderbolt devices on, and allow them time to connect properly.
    4. Launch your DAW, and re-test.

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