Setting Up the Eventide H910 Harmonizer Plug-In for MIDI Control

The UAD Eventide Harmonizer H910 is the first UAD plug-in that can accept MIDI input for control. This article will address how to set it up in both Console 2 and your DAW software of choice.
How do I control the H910 with MIDI in Console 2?

Open Console Settings, click the MIDI tab, and select your MIDI controller keyboard from the "Device" menu. Now insert the H910 plug-in on the Console channel you want to effect. On the H910 plug-in, click the button labeled "KYBD" for the Pitch Control Select and you can now control the H910 via MIDI! Keep in mind that the center C note of the keyboard causes no pitch change from the plug-in, notes below the center C will cause the plug-in to pitch down, and notes above the center C cause the plug-in to pitch up.

How do I control the H910 with MIDI in my DAW?

Insert the H910 on the audio track or channel you would like to have the effect. On the H910 plug-in, click the button labeled "KYBD" for the Pitch Control Select. Then, create or choose a MIDI track to control the H910. If you have a MIDI controller keyboard, select it for the MIDI track's input and turn on input monitoring / record. For the MIDI track's output, select the track or channel with the H910 plug-in and you can now control the H910 via MIDI! Keep in mind that the center C note of the keyboard causes no pitch change from the plug-in, notes below the center C will cause the plug-in to pitch down, and notes above the center C cause the plug-in to pitch up.

How do I control the H910 with MIDI in Logic Pro X?

The setup for Logic Pro X is slightly different than in our other supported DAW software. Here, you will want to create an Instrument Track first.  Next, load the "AU MIDI-controlled Effects" version of the plug-in.  This is the track you will record enable and send MIDI notes to.

Choosing the AU MIDI-controlled Effects plug-in

Now, create a separate audio track for the source to be processed, and set the output to "no output." Finally, head back to the H910 instance and assign the Side Chain input in the top right field of the Logic plug-in GUI (choose the audio track you created in the previous step). Now you are all set to control the H910 via MIDI!

Setting the Side Chain input on the H910 plug-in


Note for Windows Apollo users: After you've finished using your MIDI controller to control the H910 plug-in in Console, make sure to set the MIDI Device to "NONE" in Console Settings (Console > Settings > MIDI > Device) and quit/reopen your DAW so that the DAW will be able to receive MIDI from your controller. 

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