Troubleshooting UAD-2 Software Installation for Apollo on Windows

When the UAD-2 software is installed for the first time on Windows without a detected Apollo interface, the installation will only support UAD-2 DSP Accelerators. The components within the software that support Apollo hardware are not installed.

In this scenario, please first make sure:

  1. Your Windows PC confidently meets the UA System Requirements for your Apollo.
  2. Windows is optimized for Apollo according to this article.
  3. An appropriate cable is being used to connect from Apollo to the computer. For more information, read our Apollo Cable Guide and the USB Connection Info for UA Devices article if you are using Apollo USB models.

Prior to installing the Windows UAD-2 software, Apollo interfaces must be:

  • Connected to the host computer and powered ON.
  • Detected in Windows as a connected active device.

Once Apollo is physically connected and online with a compatible host computer, the UAD-2 software will automatically resume the required installation components to support Apollo. If the issue continues, double check the requirements above and perform the steps in this article to uninstall and reinstall the UAD software.

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