How to Install and Authorize Ableton Live Lite

This article demonstrates how to install and authorize the Ableton Live Lite license included with your purchase of a Volt interface.

  1. Install UA Connect and register your Volt interface, if you have not already done so. More information on this topic is available in this article.
  2. Click the Volt Interfaces tab.
  3. Click Redeem next to the Live Lite | Ableton entry.


  4. Click the Claim Your Code button. The code is automatically copied to the clipboard. 
  5. Click the Continue button to go to the Ableton website.
  6. Fill out the Register fields on the right side of the page if you don’t already have an account with Ableton. If you do, you can simply log into your account.
  7. Once logged in, paste the registration code into the Registration Code field and click Submit.
  8. The license will be added to your Ableton account and you can now download Ableton Live Lite.
    Select the correct operating system version and click the Download button.
  9. On macOS, navigate to your Downloads folder and double-click to the DMG installer.
    On Windows, right-click the zipped file that was downloaded and select Extract All, then double-click the installer inside the folder that was extracted.
  10. Run the installer and follow the on-screen steps.
  11. Once installed, open Ableton Live Lite from your available applications.
  12. Click the Authorize with button when prompted at start-up. This will open the Ableton website once again and complete the authorization process.

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