When launching UA Connect, an iLok Cloud session is normally started for you in the background and your licenses are automatically activated. However, if iLok Cloud is set to Managed mode, your native UAD (UADx) licenses might fail to activate automatically in UA Connect.
See below for more info on iLok modes and how to confirm that your iLok Cloud is set to Automatic mode:
There are two modes for iLok Cloud: Automatic Mode and Managed Mode.
Automatic Mode
In Automatic Mode, all licenses that are available for activation in your iLok account will be automatically activated for you – no additional steps are required.
Managed Mode
In Managed Mode, licenses will need to be manually activated to an iLok Cloud session. This activation process can be done in iLok License Manager.
To determine which mode your cloud is to, open the iLok License Manager application (which installed automatically along with UA Connect). Click the Sign In button to log in to your iLok account.
Note: If you forgot your password, please click here for instructions on how to reset your iLok account password.
Once logged in, take a look at the location tray on the left to verify which mode applies to your iLok account. If you see an “M” over the iLok Cloud icon, it is in Managed mode. If you see “A”, it is set to Automatic.
Changing from Managed to Automatic Mode
If it is set to Managed Mode, right-click on the icon in the location tray, and click on Show Details.
iLok Show Details
In the Show Details section highlighted below, click on Switch to Automatic Mode.
iLok License Manager window
In the next window, click Agree.
iLok Cloud Mode agreement window
Once the iLok account is successfully set to Automatic Mode, re-launch UA Connect.
Refreshing Licenses Manually
Occasionally, some licenses may not activate properly; in which case, follow the instructions below to refresh the license(s) manually.
- Launch the iLok License Manager, and sign-in using your iLok account credentials.
- Connect the iLok key which contains the license that needs to be refreshed if you are using one, then click on it. If the license is located on the Cloud, select your Cloud session instead.
- Right-click the license.
- Select Refresh.
Another method is to double-click the license to open the details panel. Then, from the right side of the iLok License Manager, click Refresh.