Apollo Desktop USB System Requirements

This article lists the system requirements for the following devices:

General Requirements

  • Windows PC with available built-in USB 3 or 4 port*
  • Windows 10 or 11 (64-bit editions)
  • Intel or AMD* processor
  • USB 3.0 or higher cable
  • Internet connection to download software and authorize UAD plug-ins
  • 25 gigabytes available storage
    Note: We highly recommend having at least 100 GB of free storage on your internal hard drive

Important Notes

Windows Usage Notes

  • Certain Windows settings are necessary for optimum performance. See this article for details: Optimizing Windows for UA Devices.
  • ASIO and WDM driver modes are compatible. Using the ASIO driver is recommended whenever supported by the audio program.

Windows Compatibility Notes

  • 2-in-1 systems (notebook/tablet) are not recommended.
  • Computers that do not have USB 3 or higher natively built into the motherboard are not compatible.
  • Older Windows operating systems are untested with the latest UAD software releases. Although untested configurations may work, they are not supported.
  • For information regarding legacy compatibility with older Windows versions, refer to the UAD Software Archives.
  • Using Apple's Boot Camp or virtual desktop software to run Windows on Mac computers is not supported and not recommended.
  • Connect into a USB port that uses an Intel USB host controller, or one that complies with Intel xHCI 1.1 specification. See this article for additional details: USB Connection Info for UA Devices.

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