In this article
- Managing plug-ins
- Adding plug-ins
- Bypassing plug-ins
- Filtering plug-ins by categories
- Searching for plug-ins
- Hiding, showing, and closing plug-in windows
- Using plug-in presets
- Showing large plug-in icons
- Adding an icon for a plug-in
- Resizing UAD plug-ins
- Converting between Native and DSP plug-ins
You use inserts to add UAD-2, UADx, Audio Unit (AU), and VST3 plug-In processing to audio, bus, instrument, and main tracks. You can expand the Inserts row to view the standard inserts. Record FX and the Unison insert appear in the Input row, when a track is Input or Record enabled. Click an available insert to open the list of available plug-ins in the Focus Browser, and click a plug-in from the pane to insert it.
Note: Only UAD-2 plug-ins can be used in Record FX inserts. Only Unison-capable UAD-2 plug-ins can be used in Unison inserts.
Plug-in states are indicated with colors and outlines.
A gray plug-in plate indicates a powered-on and authorized plug-in.
A red plug-in plate indicates that a plug-in is not authorized.
A dimmed plug-in plate indicates that a plug-in is soft-bypassed with the IN button.
A further dimmed plug-in plate with italicized text indicates that the plug-in is disabled with the Power button.
A blue plug-in plate indicates that the plug-in is focused in the browser.
A yellow outline around a plug-in plate indicates that the plug-in window is open in LUNA.
Managing plug-ins
You can manage your plug-ins in LUNA's settings. To see the plug-in manager, click the three dots at the top left of the LUNA window to open the LUNA sidebar, and click Manage Plug-Ins, or choose Settings from the LUNA menus, and click the Plug-Ins tab.
The Plug-In Manager allows you to enable or disable plug-in formats, and manage all of your Audio Units (macOS) and VST3 (macOS and Windows) plug-ins.
Enable plug-ins
VST3 plug-ins are not automatically enabled on macOS. VST3 plug-ins are enabled on Windows systems. You can enable or disable a plug-in format.
Enable or disable a plug-in format
On Windows, VST3 plug-ins are enabled by default. On macOS, Audio Units plug-ins are enabled by default. To transfer LUNA sessions seamlessly between macOS and Windows systems, enable VST3 plug-ins in LUNA on macOS, and use those plug-ins in your sessions. To prevent plug-in format issues when transferring between platforms, you can also deactivate Audio Units plug-ins on macOS.
- Toggle the Enable switch for a plug-in format to enable or disable that plug-in format. Plug-in formats are enabled when they are highlighted.
Find plug-ins
The Plug-In Manager includes a search bar that you can use to find plug-ins. Click in the search area and type your text to search. The Plug-In Manager finds plug-in by plug-in Format, Name, and Manufacturer only.
Plug-in information columns
The Plug-In Manager lists information about each plug-in in columns. You can sort the list of plug-ins by clicking on any column name.
Plug-in information includes:
- Format – whether the plug-in is AU (Audio Units) or VST3 format.
- Manufacturer – The manufacturer name for the plug-in.
- Name – The plug-in name.
- Category – whether the plug-in is an instrument, or the type of effect. Some plug-ins have multiple categories, and some may have no category. You can right-click on the Category to add or remove categories from a plug-in.
- Version – The installed version of the plug-in.
- Status – whether the plug-in is new (not scanned yet), scanned (usable), or rejected (not usable by LUNA for some reason).
- Ignore – Select Ignore to ignore a plug-in. This removes it from the LUNA plug-in browser.
Scan plug-ins
When you first enable a plug-in format, or you first launch LUNA, VST3 and Audio Units plug-ins are not scanned and will not appear in LUNA. You must manually scan new plug-ins or rescan all plug-ins to enable the plug-ins. You can also manually scan or rescan a single plug-in.
Scan all plug-ins
In the Plug-In Manager, click the Rescan All button in the Scan area. If you want to scan all plug-ins. you must click this button the first time you enable a plug-in format, or if you have never scanned for plug-ins of the format enabled in LUNA.
If a LUNA session is open, you will be prompted to close that session.
Scan new and updated plug-ins
In the Plug-In Manager, click the New Plug-Ins button in the Scan area. This will rescan all plug-ins that have been updated since the last scan, and scan any newly installed plug-ins since the last scan.
Scan or rescan a single plug-in
If you want to scan or rescan a single plug-in, in the far right column of the Plug-In Manager, click Scan or Rescan.
Add an alternate plug-in location
If you have installed VST3 plug-ins in an alternate folder on your system, you can click the button under Scan Alternate Location, and then click in the location area to choose a folder from the Finder or File Explorer.
Ignore a plug-in
To prevent a plug-in from appearing in LUNA, toggle the switch in the Ignore column for the plug-in. The plug-in is ignored when the switch is illuminated.
Manage UAD plug-ins (in UA Connect)
To manage your native UAD plug-ins in UA Connect, click the Open UA Connect button. See UA Connect with Native UAD Plug-Ins for more information.
Shop for plug-ins
To shop for UAD plug-ins, click the Plug-In Store button.
Adding plug-ins
Click on a Unison insert, Record FX insert, or standard Insert insert to add a plug-in. Note that you can only add a Unison-enabled UAD-2 plug-in in the Unison insert, and UAD-2 plug-ins in the Record FX inserts, and those inserts are only active when an audio track is record-enabled or input-enabled.
When you click on an insert, your list of supported plug-ins opens in the Plug-Ins browser. The list of plug-ins in the browser changes depending on the context. As an example, only Unison plug-ins appear when you click a Unison insert. On audio tracks, only UAD-2 plug-ins appear in the Record FX insert. When LUNA is ARM-enabled, all plug-ins can be added to a record-armed or input-enabled track, but non UAD-2 plug-ins are bypassed while the track is armed.
Plug-ins are organized by manufacturer, and you can click a manufacturer’s name to show or hide the list of plug-ins. In addition, UAD plug-ins are sorted into four folders:
UADx includes your installed UADx plug-ins that are licensed either through a UAD Spark subscription or demo, or licensed perpetually, because you own a license for the UAD-2 version.
Universal Audio includes your UAD-2 plug-ins, including plug-ins that are licensed and plug-ins that still have available demos.
Universal Audio Sphere includes your native Sphere plug-ins.
Universal Audio [inactive] includes plug-ins that are not licensed and no longer have an available demo.
Bypassing plug-ins
LUNA includes the ability to soft bypass UADx plug-ins, most UAD plug-Ins, and many third party plug-ins. This allows you to bypass and re-enable a plug-in in the least audible way possible. If a plug-in supports soft bypass, the plug-in includes an IN button that is illuminated when the plug-in is active, and unlit when the plug-in is soft-bypassed.
In addition, all plug-ins include a power button, which allows hard bypass, but is more audible when switched. Both bypass types can free processing power, though the Power button generally frees more processing power.
Plug-ins that are soft bypassed (with the IN button) and disabled (with the Power button) appear differently in the LUNA mixer. Soft bypassed plug-in tiles are dimmed. Disabled plug-in tiles are dimmed further, and the plug-in name is italicized.
Command+Click (macOS) / Ctrl+Click (Windows) to soft bypass or re-enable a soft-bypassed plug-in (IN button).
Command+Control+Click (macOS) / Alt+Ctrl+Click (Windows) to enable or disable a plug-in (Power button).
Note: LUNA attempts to soft-bypass a plug-in when you Command+Click / Ctrl+Click it, but if the plug-in cannot be soft-bypassed, the plug-in is disabled with the Power button.
Filtering plug-ins by categories
You can filter the lists of UADx, UAD-2, Audio Units, and VST3 plug-ins by categories. Categories allow you to narrow the list of available processors by the type of processor.
You can add or remove categories from Audio Units/VST3 plug-ins (many popular plug-ins have already been categorized). UADx and UAD-2 plug-ins are pre-categorized and those categories cannot be changed.
Categories are displayed by default. To see a plug-in category, expand the Categories area above the list of plug-ins. To close or expand plug-in categories, click on Categories.
To filter the list of plug-ins
- Under the list of Categories, choose a category. The list of plug-ins is filtered by that category.
To stop filtering the list, click the X next to Categories.
You can select multiple categories by Command+Clicking (macOS) / Ctrl-Clicking (Windows). Note that this will show all plug-ins that match any of the selected categories.
To categorize Audio Units/VST3 plug-ins
- Add an Audio Units/VST3 plug-in to an insert. After the plug-in window opens, click the three dots near the upper left corner.
- Click Categories...
The Categories screen opens. - On the Categories screen, select the category or categories in which the plug-in belongs. You can click categories to select them, and click again to clear them. A plug-in can be listed in multiple categories.
Click Done when you have finished assigning categories.
Searching for plug-ins
You can easily search for and choose plug-ins in the plug-ins browser. To search for a plug-in, after you click on an insert to open the plug-in browser, begin typing. As you type the browser shows the search results.
You can navigate through the list of plug-ins and apply plug-ins using the up and down arrow keys.
Hiding, showing, and closing plug-in windows
When one or more plug-ins are open in LUNA, you can use key commands to hide or close them.
- To hide all floating windows, press Shift+W. This temporarily closes all floating windows (plug-ins, cue outputs, and others). You can restore these hidden windows by pressing Shift+W again. When you hide windows, then open a new window (for example, when adding another insert plug-in), any previously hidden windows reappear.
- To close windows, press Command+W (macOS) / Ctrl+W (Windows). This closes the topmost floating window. Press Command+W (macOS) / Ctrl+W (Windows) repeatedly to close additional floating windows.
Using plug-in presets
Plug-in presets are selected and saved using the Presets Browser. You can favorite presets, filter presets by categories, search presets by name, and set a default preset that is loaded each time you instantiate a plug-in.
Note: You use the same plug-in presets with UAD plug-ins in Standard, Record FX, or Unison inserts, and they function identically. UADx plug-ins have their own presets.
To apply a plug-in preset:
- Click the preset name on the plug-in title bar, or on the plug-in icon in the Insert rack, right-click, and choose Presets…
The Presets Browser opens. - Click a preset to select it.
You can use the Up and Down arrows to navigate through presets. To search for a preset, click next to the magnifying glass at the top of the browser, and begin typing.
To save a plug-in preset
- Select a preset from the Preset Browser.
- Make changes to the plug-in as required.
- Click Save. The Save Preset As dialog opens.
- Click Save to save the changes to the existing preset, or type a name for the preset to save a new preset, then click Save.
You can delete or rename presets that you have created. If you save changes to a system preset, the preset is saved as a User preset with the same name.
To favorite a plug-in preset:
- Click the preset name on the plug-in title bar, or on the plug-in icon in the Insert rack, click •••, and choose Presets…
The Presets Browser opens. - Click the star to the right of a preset name to favorite or unfavorite a preset.
To show only favorite presets
- Click the preset name on the plug-in title bar, or on the plug-in icon in the Insert rack, click •••, and choose Presets…
The Presets Browser opens. - Click Favorites under Presets. When Favorites is highlighted, only favorited presets are shown.
To set a default plug-in preset
- Select a preset from the Preset Browser.
- Right-click or Control-click on the preset and select Set Default Preset to 'preset'.
The default preset is now set. When you load the plug-in in the future, this default preset is loaded in the plug-in.
Showing large plug-in icons
In the Inserts section, click on the Large View icon to show expanded inserts. This shows icons that represent the plug-ins loaded in the inserts.
Adding an icon for a plug-in
By default, third party Audio Unit, VST3, MIDI FX, and instrument plug-ins have a generic icon. You can add a plug-in icon at any time. The plug-in icon takes a snapshot of the current user interface of the plug-in.
To create a plug-in icon
- Click on a plug-in in an Instrument, MIDI FX, or Insert row in Mixer View or on a Focus track.
- Arrange the window of the plug-in as you would like it to appear in the icon.
- Click the plug-in Name bar at the top of the plug-in window, and choose Create Plug-In Icon.
The icon is created from the current plug-in settings.
Resizing UAD plug-ins
Most UAD-2 and all Native UAD plug-ins can be resized. Plug-ins are resized system-wide, per plug-in. When you resize a plug-in, that resize level is shared immediately between all instances of that plug-in, and all plug-in formats, in all DAWs on your system. The resize setting is shared between AAX, VST3, and Audio Units formats.
The menu command Apply to All allows you to immediately apply the current plug-in’s resize level to all native plug-in titles.
When you resize a plug-in, the plug-in window, toolbar, preset browser, and help windows are all resized.
Note: Some DAWs limit the maximum window size for plug-ins at certain screen resolutions. If your DAW does not support a selected plug-in size, the previously selected size remains selected.
To resize a UAD plug-in
- Click the ••• in the toolbar above the plug-in’s controls.
- Choose a resize level, from 75–200%.
The native UAD plug-in is resized system-wide.
To resize all UAD plug-ins
- Click the ••• in the toolbar above the plug-in’s controls.
- Choose a resize level, from 75–200%.
- From the same menu, choose Apply to All.
All UAD plug-ins are resized system-wide.
To reset all UAD plug-ins to the default size
- Click the ••• in the toolbar above the plug-in’s controls.
- Choose the 100% option.
- From the same menu, choose Apply to All.
All UAD plug-ins are resized to their original size, system-wide.
Converting between Native and DSP plug-ins
If you are using LUNA in Apollo mode, LUNA can convert between native (UADx) and DSP (UAD-2) versions of available plug-ins, seamlessly. You do not need to configure anything to use this functionality; simply insert UADx plug-ins on tracks as you usually do. If LUNA needs to convert to a UAD-2 version of the plug-in when the track goes into ARM mode, the UAD-2 version of the plug-in is loaded automatically. When you take the track out of ARM mode, the plug-in converts back to Native (UADx) mode.
Note: You can only convert a plug-in between DSP (UAD-2) and native (UADx) when the track on which the plug-in is inserted is not in ARM mode. To use a UADx plug-in on a record-enabled or input-enabled track in LUNA, disable ARM mode or switch LUNA to Core Audio mode.
To convert a single UAD plug-in to native or DSP
- Insert a UAD-2 or UADx plug-in in a standard insert in LUNA. Note that you cannot insert a UADx plug-in in a Record FX or Unison insert, which are reserved for UAD-2 plug-ins.
- Click the three dots on the left of the plug-in control bar.
- Under Processing, choose UADx or UAD-2.
To convert all available UAD plug-ins to native or DSP
- From the LUNA menus, choose Mixing > Convert UAD-2 Plug-Ins to UADx, or Mixing > Convert UADx Plug-Ins to UAD-2.