Getting Started with LUNA

In this article

This article contains everything you need to get started making music with LUNA. Read this article to learn about LUNA's system requirements, how to install and authorize LUNA, how to create a session, and an overview of how LUNA works.

For a video overview of the Installation and authorization  process, see LUNA Basics 0: Installing LUNA.


LUNA system requirements

To operate LUNA Recording System, your system must meet the following requirements:

Installing LUNA

To install and authorize LUNA, you’ll need to follow these instructions. Detailed instructions are provided later in this section.

  1. Download and install UA Connect .

  2. In UA Connect, click the LUNA tab, and install LUNA.

  3. Follow the instructions in the installer.

After the install completes, LUNA starts and the Shape UAD Instrument downloads and installs automatically.

About and iLok accounts

LUNA uses two different accounts.

  • Your account connects LUNA with the Universal Audio cloud, so you can purchase, download, and manage updates to LUNA, UAD instruments, and LUNA Extensions. You can also buy UAD plug-ins and access LUNA educational and informational resources with your account.

  • Your iLok account (iLok USB hardware, iLok computer, and/or iLok Cloud) authorizes the LUNA app, UAD Instruments, native UAD plug-ins, and LUNA Extensions. You can either use an existing account, or create one automatically and link it during the UA Connect installation process.

Using iLok licenses

LUNA licenses can be used on two or three iLok USB (2nd or 3rd Generation) keys, in an iLok Cloud Session, or on two or three computers at a time, depending on the license. LUNA includes authorizations for the LUNA app, and licenses for each authorized Extension and Instrument. You can move iLok authorizations to physical iLok USB hardware keys to use your authorizations with multiple systems, or to your computer if you don't need a portable license. If your license includes iLok Cloud, you can use one iLok Cloud session at a time.

Using an iLok Cloud license

iLok Cloud allows you to authorize LUNA, LUNA Extensions, and UAD instruments on a computer that is connected to the internet. iLok Cloud requires a constant connection to the internet, as the licenses are checked periodically. With iLok Cloud, you can authorize one LUNA instance at a time. If you start a second iLok Cloud session, the existing iLok Cloud session is logged out. If you need to log in to a second machine while an iLok Cloud session is running, you’ll need to use a physical iLok key with a license installed.

Using an iLok USB or computer license

If your system is not continuously connected to the internet, or is only connected periodically, use a physical iLok key with a license installed, or authorize LUNA to your computer.

  • You can install a LUNA license on your physical iLok hardware key by manually dragging and dropping the LUNA license into the key from within the iLok License Manager application.
  • You can use a LUNA computer license by manually dragging and dropping the LUNA license onto your computer from within the iLok License Manager application.

On first run, LUNA prompts you to choose a default license location (iLok Cloud, or an iLok USB hardware key if you have one). Choose the license location that you prefer.


Installing LUNA and creating an iLok account

Note: Use this workflow when you do not have an existing iLok account and you want to automatically create an iLok account and link it to your account to authorize your software.

Note: If you have already activated UAD plug-ins or a UAD Spark subscription in UA Connect, you have already created or linked an iLok account, and you will not be required to link or create an iLok to use LUNA.

  1. Download and install UA Connect .

  2. In UA Connect, click the LUNA tab, and install LUNA.

  3. Follow the instructions in the installer.

  4. Open LUNA from Applications.

  5. If you have not created or linked an iLok account, the Link iLok Account screen opens. Click Create to create a new iLok account.

  6. Click Create again to confirm that you want to create a new iLok account. To read the terms of the iLok License agreement, click View Terms.

  7. The iLok account is created and linked, and licenses are deposited, then LUNA checks for the license. This might take some time.

  8. On a macOS system, when you are prompted to allow access to the Microphone, click OK. Note: On macOS, you must allow LUNA to access the Microphone in order to record audio.

  9. On a macOS system, when you are prompted to allow LUNA to access files in your Documents folder, click OK. LUNA stores sessions and other data in this area.

LUNA now starts, and shows the Create Session screen. Note that the first time you run LUNA, LUNA downloads the UAD Instrument “Shape” in the background.

Installing LUNA and linking an existing iLok account

Note: Use this workflow when you have an existing iLok account, and you want to link it to your account to authorize your software.

Note: If you have already activated UAD plug-ins or a UAD Spark subscription in UA Connect, you have already created or linked an iLok account, and you will not be required to link or create an iLok to use LUNA.

  1. Download and install UA Connect .

  2. In UA Connect, click the LUNA tab, and install LUNA.

  3. Follow the instructions in the installer.

  4. Open LUNA from Applications.

  5. The Link iLok Account screen opens. Click Link Existing to link to an existing iLok account.

  6. Type your iLok user name and click Link. The Link iLok Account screen opens.

  7. Type your iLok password, and click Authorize. The iLok account is linked, licenses are created and deposited, and LUNA checks for the license. This might take some time.

  8. When you are prompted to allow access to the Microphone, click OK. Note: You must allow LUNA to access the Microphone in order to record audio.

  9. When you are prompted to allow LUNA to access files in your Documents folder, click OK. LUNA stores sessions and other data in this area.

LUNA now starts, and shows the Create Session screen. Note that the first time you run LUNA, LUNA downloads the UAD Instrument “Shape” in the background.

Login tips

  • If you forget your password, click Log In, and the Forgot Password link appears. Click Forgot Password to receive password reset instructions.

  • To stay logged in, click Remember Me.

  • You can skip the login screen by clicking Skip. If you skip the login, you can use LUNA and licensed Extensions and Instruments with the licenses on your iLok hardware key or licenses from the iLok Cloud. However, you cannot update software, make purchases, or download from the Manage screen until you log in.

Starting LUNA

  1. From the Start menu, Launchpad, or the macOS Dock, start LUNA.

  2. Log in with your Universal Audio account information. LUNA opens, and shows the Create Session page.

When you are logged in, lists of your installed products and other account details appear in LUNA’s Manage panel.


Managing UAD instruments and LUNA Extensions

You can manage plug-ins, UAD Instruments, and LUNA Extensions in UA Connect.


To manage plug-ins, UAD instruments, and LUNA Extensions

  1. Open the LUNA sidebar by clicking the three dots on the top left of the screen, then click Manage Plug-Ins, or choose LUNA > Preferences from the app menu, and choose the Plug-Ins tab.

  2. Use the plug-in manager to scan, enable, or disable VST3 and Audio Units plug-ins.
  3. To manage UAD plug-ins, click Open UA Connect. UA Connect provides the ability to redeem, activate, download, and update native UAD plug-ins, instruments and LUNA Extensions.

LUNA installs and updates the instruments and Extensions. You will see a notification as each Instrument or Extension is installed or updated.


Extension and instrument options

Click the ••• options menu to the right of an Extension or Instrument to see the available options for that Extension or Instrument.

  • More Info - Opens LUNA’s Discover panel with more information about the Instrument or Extension.
  • Move - Lets you choose a drive to which you can move Instrument content. Note that this drive must be an SSD. Sample content is moved to the additional drive, however the Instrument itself is stored on a local volume.
  • Delete - Deletes the Instrument or Extension. Items can be downloaded again whenever you have an internet connection.
  • Download Settings - Specifies the Volume on which local Extensions and Instruments are installed.

Tape licenses

LUNA includes a free license for Oxide LUNA Extension.

If you own the UAD Studer A800 plug-in, you will get a free license deposited for the Studer A800 Multichannel Tape Recorder Extension. If you own an Ampex ATR-102 license, you will get a free license deposited for the ATR-102 Master Tape Recorder Extension.

If you do not own the UAD Studer A800 or Ampex ATR-102 plug-ins, you can activate them as demos or purchase the LUNA Extensions. When you purchase the extensions, the UAD plug-ins are included. Go to the Manage page to activate a demo or purchase the Studer A800 or Ampex ATR-102 Extension.

Summing licensing

LUNA Neve and API Summing Extensions are optional. You can activate a demo or purchase the Neve Summing or API Summing Extensions from within LUNA. Go to the Manage page to activate a demo or purchase Neve or API Summing.

API Vision Console Emulation licensing

API Vision Console Emulation Bundle is a separate license that includes API Vision Console Extensions and UAD plug-ins. Go to the Manage page to activate a demo or purchase API Vision Console.

UAD Instrument licensing

LUNA includes the Shape UAD Instrument, which is authorized with your LUNA application authorization. All other UAD instruments are optional. You can activate a demo or purchase UAD instruments from within LUNA, or from UA Connect. Go to the Manage page to activate a demo or purchase a UAD Instrument.

Creating a LUNA session

When you start LUNA, you see the Session panel.


To open the LUNA demo session

The LUNA demo session shows some of the capabilities of LUNA’s mix engine and the LUNA Extensions.

  • Click the Open Demo Session button. The Demo Session opens.

To create a new empty session

  1. In the New Session area, type a name for the session.
  2. Specify a tempo and time signature for the session, or accept the defaults. Note that you can change the tempo and time signature after you create the session.
  3. To find the approximate tempo, you can tap the Tap button in time four or more times.
  4. Click the Location bar to open a dialog where you can select the location for the session, or accept the default location. By default, sessions are saved in ~/Music/LUNA Sessions.
  5. When you have configured the new session settings, click Create.

To create a new session from the main LUNA window, choose File > New, or use the Command+N shortcut.

To create a session from an AAF (Advanced Authoring Format) file

  1. On the Create Session panel, type a name for the session.
  2. Click the Start From AAF button.
  3. From the dialog that opens, choose the AAF session to import.
  4. Type a name for the session.
  5. Specify a tempo for the session, or click the MIDI button, and choose a MIDI file to import.
  6. Click the Location bar to open a dialog where you can select the location for the session, or accept the default location. By default, sessions are saved in ~/Music/LUNA Sessions.
  7. When you have configured the new session settings, click Create.

Opening a session

When you start LUNA, the Session panel appears. Choose a file from the Recent list and click Open to open a recent existing session. To choose a session from the disk, click From Disk... and navigate to a session to open.

Note: On Windows, you must open a session using either the Recent list or the From Disk option.


Undo and redo

You can undo and redo changes in an open session at any time, except during recording. You can even undo and redo changes after a session has been closed and reopened. LUNA supports 64 Undo or Redo actions per Autosave interval. To configure the Autosave interval, see Configuring the Session Autosave Interval .

  • To undo a change, use the menu item Edit > Undo, or press Command+Z (macOS) or Ctrl+Z (Windows).
  • To redo a change, use the menu item Edit > Redo, or press Shift+Command+Z (macOS) or Shift+Ctrl+Z (Windows).

Uninstalling LUNA and resetting preferences

To uninstall LUNA, click the ••• options menu to the right of LUNA on the LUNA page in UA Connect, and choose Uninstall.

LUNA components (macOS)

On macOS, LUNA components are located in the following folders and files.

Contents Location
LUNA Application


UADx Plug-ins / LUNA Instruments

/Library/Application Support/Universal Audio/Plug-ins/*.lunacomponent

/Library/Application Support/Universal Audio/Plug-Ins.json

/Library/Application Support/Universal Audio/skippedplugins.txt

Sessions Default ~/Music/LUNA Sessions (This will delete all your LUNA sessions!!)
User Presets, Favorites ~/Documents/Universal Audio/Presets/
Log Files ~/Library/Logs/universal Audio


~/Library/Preferences/Universal Audio/LUNAprefs.json

Workspace Cache ~/Library/Application Support/Universal Audio/workspace

To reset your LUNA preferences, delete these files and folders

  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.uaudio.luna.plist
  • ~/Library/Preferences/Universal Audio/LUNAprefs.json
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Universal Audio/workspace

LUNA Components (Windows)

On Windows, LUNA components are located in the following folders and files.

Contents Location
LUNA Application C:\Program Files\LUNA
UADx Plug-ins / LUNA Instruments C:\Program Files\Common Files\Universal Audio\
Sessions Default Documents\LUNA Sessions
User Presets, Favorites Documents\Universal Audio
Log Files C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\UniversalAudio\Logs
Preferences C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Roaming\LUNAPrefs.json
Workspace Cache C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\Universal Audio\workspace
VST3 Plug-in Cache C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\Universal Audio\Plug-Ins.vst3.json

To reset your LUNA preferences in Windows, delete these files and folders

  • C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Roaming\LUNAPrefs.json
  • C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\Universal Audio\workspace
  • Optionally, delete the VST3 plug-in cache at C:\Users\[user_name]\AppData\Local\Universal Audio\Plug-Ins.vst3.json

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