Satellite FireWire Windows Compatibility

Known compatible and incompatible Windows systems, and UA-qualified PCIe-to-FireWire 800 adapter cards, are listed in this section. Additionally, the host computer must meet the minimum system requirements.

Important Windows Compatibility Notes

  • Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite FireWire are compatible with Windows 10 64-bit edition and Windows 11. 32-bit editions of Windows, and all older Windows operating systems, are unqualified. Although these operating systems may work, they are untested and unsupported.
  • Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite FireWire require one of the UA-qualified PCIe-to-FireWire 800 adapter cards listed below. Built-in FireWire ports on any Windows computer are incompatible.
  • FireWire device connections while powered (hot-plugging) and system sleep are not supported.
  • Only ASIO and WDM driver modes are supported.

About System Performance

  • Generally speaking, modern systems (less than three years old) with a quad-core or better processor, such as an Intel i7, and 8 GB RAM are recommended for maximum performance due to significant improvements in the underlying technologies.
  • Older underpowered systems may not deliver expected performance.

Incompatible Windows Systems

  • The Dell Precision T3500 desktop computer is incompatible with Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite FireWire.
  • Built-in FireWire ports on any Windows computer are incompatible with Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite (a UA-tested PCIe-to-FireWire 800 adapter is required for all PC systems).
  • Windows PC notebook (laptop) computers are incompatible with Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite.
  • UAD-1 devices are incompatible with Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite.
  • Using Apple's Boot Camp to run Windows on Mac systems with Apollo audio interfaces or UAD-2 devices is an untested configuration.

Qualified PCIe-to-FireWire 800 Adapter Cards for Windows Systems

  • The following PCIe-to-FireWire 800 adapter cards are qualified for use with Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite on Windows 64-bit systems.
  • Daisy-chaining external FireWire hard drives off Apollo and UAD-2 Satellite is not tested. External FireWire hard drives may be connected to a separate FireWire adapter card so it has its own FireWire bus.
Brand Model Format Controller Source
Sonnet Technologies Allegro FW800-E PCIe-to-FireWire 800 TI XIO2213
SIIG NN-FW0012-S1 PCIe-to-FireWire 800 TI XIO2213

Important: These PCIe-to-FireWire adapter cards are qualified with the FireWire driver included with Windows. When installing the cards, Windows will automatically use the built-in driver. To avoid unexpected behavior, DO NOT UPDATE THE DRIVER from the manufacturer's software disk or website, even if instructed to do so by the documentation included with the adapter cards.

Note: The previously-qualified Syba SD-PEX30009 PCIe-to-FireWire adapter card is no longer being used for internal testing.

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