IMPORTANT: This article describes how to transfer UAD-2 and Apollo hardware from your account to a new owner. For registration information, click here. If you want to transfer native UAD licenses authorized on a computer you don't have access to anymore, read this article.
- Account transfer is not required for moving hardware from one computer to another, or between systems in your account.
- UAD-2/Apollo hardware can be transferred with or without all plug-in licenses in the system. Individual plug-ins can not be selected for transfer.
- UAD-2 DSP plug-ins cannot be transferred without UAD-2/Apollo hardware.
- Unless you wish to transfer ownership of your entire plug-in library out of your account with the device, a transfer is not necessary. Any Apollo or Satellite hardware can be registered, and it will move out of your account automatically when it is registered to a different account. If no plug-ins are transferred out of your account with the device, the new owner will receive the associated Analog Classics collection.
- Transfer requests are not required for Volt products.
- Deactivate LUNA and UADx Licenses (if transferring all plug-ins)
- Initiate Transfer of UAD Hardware
- Connect and Authorize UAD Hardware
Registration of Hardware by New Owner
Initiate UAD Hardware Transfer
The current owner can transfer ownership of the device by clicking “Transfer device out of my Account” at
The Hardware menu shows the serial number of each device, to discern between two products of the same type.
Click the Hardware dropdown to select a device to transfer
The current owner must choose if they want to transfer all plug-ins registered to the System that they are transferring the UAD-2/Apollo hardware from to the new owner.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Individual plug-ins cannot be selected to transfer.
If Yes is chosen, all UAD plug-in licenses in the System, as well as associated perpetual UADx plug-in licenses, will be transferred with the hardware to the new owner. If NO is chosen, all plug-in licenses will remain in the seller's account and only the included Analog Classics plug-ins will be issued to the new owner when the hardware is transferred.
Connect and Authorize UAD Hardware
Now the hardware must be authorized. This step can be performed by either the original owner or the new owner.
Important: If the device that you are transferring belongs to a System that includes other UAD devices then all devices in that system must be authorized for the transfer to complete.
- Install or update to UAD 10.1.1 Software or newer.
- Connect all of your UAD hardware.
- In the UAD Meter & Control Panel application, click the blue UAD-2 button to open the Plug-Ins panel.
- Click the Authorize Plug-Ins button.
Note, you may get the message 'These cards have already been requested for transfer'
This is nothing to be concerned about.
The device is now in a pending state, ready for registration by the new owner.
Deactivate LUNA and UADx Licenses
If the original owner has LUNA or UADx licenses activated, these must be deactivated from their iLok account before requesting a transfer.
If the licenses are not deactivated from the iLok account, the following error will appear: “Please de-activate all licenses on iLok account with User ID”.
If this error appears, make sure to complete the steps below for all LUNA and UADx licenses.
To deactivate LUNA and UADx licenses:
- Open iLok License Manager
- Right-click (Ctrl+Click) on any LUNA and UADx licenses and choose Deactivate.
Deactivate LUNA and UADx licenses using iLok License Manager
After the licenses are deactivated, you can fill out the transfer form and submit.
Registration of Hardware by New Owner
The hardware is now ready to be registered by the new owner. For help with registering used hardware, click here.